What is the issue ?
The Mediterranean Youth Building Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Forum will be held on 16 – 18 September 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. The Forum is co-organised by the European Commission on behalf of the Union for the Mediterranean Co-Presidency with the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat and MIMIR. It has also been prepared in close co-operation with Aaltoes, the European Training Foundation, the Mediterranean Network of New Chance, the Young Professionals Network and the Anna Lindh Foundation.
The Forum will bring together young people, policy-makers, private sector’s representatives, Social Partners as well as other stakeholders from the Mediterranean region to exchange insights and best practices, foster dialogue, collaboration and set a course for future initiatives.
We would like to invite some YEPA participants to join the Forum. There is a limited budget to cover the travel and accommodation. If you ware interested in attending the event, please contact the European Commission (EMPL-YEPA@ec.europa.eu).